Theater Performance -- “He-Don”

Presented by: Teater Tarian Mahesa
Place: Auditorium CCF, Bandung
Date: Friday, 20 May 2011
Directors: Gusjur Mahesa
Music Director: Bluemoon
Artistic: Arman Djamparing
Stage Manager: Ferdinan

Cast: Yussak Anugrah, Jajang Arkidam, Agil Purnama, Muach Huru Hara, Oding Anti Heri Maja Kelana, Wildan Kurnia, Romyan Fauzan, Farid Shobri, Ayo Sekolah, Agung Purnama Putra, Tohari Yosdolac, Ridwan Hasyimi, Hasan Ibnu Safrudin, Odinh Anti, John Heryanto, Heri Maja Kelana, Dedi Warsana

Synopsys: Some people from a variety of occupation were hanging their life in gambling. The story flowed until the gambling was legitimated.

:: The audience must be adults because this play was so frightening.

Take a look!
foto: Teater Tarian Mahesa
foto: Teater Tarian Mahesa
foto: Teater Tarian Mahesa
foto: Teater Tarian Mahesa
foto: Teater Tarian Mahesa
foto: Teater Tarian Mahesa


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