Long Holiday Palabuan Ratu

foto: Fira Nursya'bani Right a day after I returned home, my dad asked us (his family) to go to Palabuan Ratu and vacate year end holiday there with his colleague. We departed at 9 pm. My dad wanted to go at night because there's less traffic jam. However it still spent so much time, then we arrived at 2.50 pm. Because the peep of day, we decided not to rent a lodge and slept in the car. After the early morning prayer, we came out to see the beach and played with wave. foto: Fira Nursyabani/Muhamad Rizki Farhan foto: Fira Nursyabani When the whole sun already rose, an amateur temporary tattoo artist suddenly came and offered whether we wanted to make a tattoo. Then I and my lil brother made one each. I envied his skill although he only brought a little stick and ordinary ink. foto: Mama Dida Tadaaa.... I had a temporary tattoo for only three weeks. foto: Fira Nursya'bani In the noon, my mom was hungry already (we had our breakfast tho but it...